Luckily, I had a similar piece of crossword puzzle paper as seen in the inspiration kit so I definitely added it.
It was no puzzle at all to decide which story I wanted to tell for this challenge. My husband is the ultimate problem solver. He is one of those people that calls challenges "opportunities" and not obstacles. He's a "glass is half full" kind of guy and I love him for that. It balances out my "glass is half empty and there's a slow leak" attitude sometimes! LOL! I'm working on it and he helps me with that. Just like I also help him get his head out of the clouds!
Anyway, here's the layout...
It was a light bulb moment for me when I realized "problem solved" would fit into the spaces!
Love when it works out like that!
Hope you are inspired to share a puzzle related layout with us!
Sending Scrappiness,